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Join us for a book discussion!

The Serviceberry
Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World

by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Click here to sign up for details when it is scheduled in March 

Welcome to Lenawee Conservation District

Working locally to solve local resource issues

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Sustain and enhance Lenawee county’s natural resources through education and technical service.



The Lenawee Conservation District Board of Directors will meet on the third Monday of each month

at 7:00pm at the LCD office located at 1100 Sutton Rd. Adrian, MI unless noted otherwise.

Michigan Conservation District History

Established in 1946, Lenawee Conservation District is an independent county level resource assisting residents, producers, and communities to help resolve natural resource concerns. The District is self-funded, serving the public with revenue obtained through an annual tree and shrub fundraiser sale, grants, and county appropriations.

Lenawee Conservation District works with a variety of other local, state, and federal agencies and organizations to accomplish greater results in conservation and protection of our local natural resources.

As a result of the Dust Bowl in the 1920s from severe erosion due to negatively impacting farm practices, Congress established the Natural Resources Conservation Service, which directed money toward programs that would help protect natural resources and empower landowners to become better stewards of the land. But with no delivery approach for the federal programs, Congress realized that a local level organization was needed to help promote conservation programs available to agricultural landowners.

Thus, a Conservation District Law was established, allowing communities to elect their own county conservation district boards, which would partner with the federal agencies and serve as the storefront and information center for available conservation programs and assistance.

Grants awarded to the Lenawee Conservation District from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), formerly DEQ, and the Great Lakes Commission are to work with farmers within Lenawee County on potential improvements toward water quality and the impact to Lake Erie. These projects are in an effort to meet the State of Michigan's phosphorus reduction goals of 20% by 2020 and 40% by 2025 within the River Raisin. Farmers have the ability to receive some assistance to incorporate the following Best Management Practices (BMPs) in targeted watersheds: Drainage Water Management Structures, Buffer Strips, Saturated Buffers, Blind Inlets, and GPS Nitrogen sensors.

View the funding opportunities that the Lenawee Conservation District has for Best Management Practices by clicking on the grant application below:

BMP Grant Application or contact the Lenawee Conservation District office at 517-263-7400 Ext. 3 for an application.

Click here for Strip Tiller Grant application. 

Image of empty rows in field
Image of farm equipment at sunset

District Grants

Lenawee Conservation District is rolling out its latest conservation programs for Lenawee County.

"Taking Nutrient Management to Another Level" is designed for new technology that improves the efficiency and/or reduction of phosphorus and nitrogen applied to cropland fields. Funding could include yield monitors, hydraulic down pressure, electric drives, variable rate, GPS, nitrogen applicators, strip-till equipment, cover crops, and no-till combo just to list a few.

If you are interested in applying for the Nutrient Grant, you may Click Here to access the application.

"Putting it all together! A systems approach to reducing P loss from cropland fields in the Bean Creek Watershed."

This grant is aimed at using a system approach to addressing soil erosion and sedimentation, and loss of soluble P from surface water and subsurface drainage systems in the Bean Creek watershed. See our application for details on the type of projects that will be funded. 

If you are interested in applying, click here to access the application, or contact us directly.



Image of farmers gathered to observe field data


Image of sprayer operating in field


Image of yellow house with blue sky background

Lenawee Conservation District, 1100 Sutton Rd., Adrian, MI 49221

(517) 263-7400 Ext. 5

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